Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The state of our humanity.........

One simple word I find to describe the majority is.......SELFISH......& don't deny it!  Everyone wants the bigger, the better of everything.  Yes it is a good thing in the beginning driving ambitions, creativity, etc. there wouldn't be the greatness we have if these things didn't exist.  Yet at some point it turns, & turns so ugly into greed, envy & selfishness.  So many people from celebrities to the businessmen have above & beyond what is needed to live a comfortable life, ooooh & they are so applauded for their tremendous contributions usually amounting to less than 10% of their worth.  Who puts this ridiculous value, of $20,000,000.00 on one actor for one movie & $10.00 an hour on a teacher who could be teaching the future actor or even the future President.  Someone who places the value of their car over the well being of a 7 year old who crashed accidentally into his parked car.......or people who feel money & material objects simply make them above others.....our society just has a warped sense of value.  People & who they are inside & what they share from their hearts is what truly matters @ least in my opinion...........