Thursday, March 10, 2011

Home for an idea....

My brain for so long has been spinning with so many great ideas, so many great beginnings that have unfortunately ended up filed away.  They occasionally wander out make their appearance and wait to come to fruition....but life and funding all too often shove them back into their file prison.  Well finally they may be able to all come out to play for good.  All my ideas have been of a creative nature, be it art, photography, writing or design.  Never have I had a true place for them all to come together and be productive....well the time has come the ideas have a home....a lifetime in the making a moment of creation...a SPARK!  I have a children's story book coming to completion and a place for all my creativity...and this I will share when it is finalized.  Oh I can't wait...the creativity that has run through my family, shared by many may now finally be shared again through me....though it has taken long enough!  I have grown tired & frustrated at sharing my work for from me is over!!  The SPARK has been be continued